
How Does a Tire Rotation Affect Fuel Efficiency?

Tire being removed from vehicle

The Unmistakable Connection Between Rotating Your Tires & Fuel Efficiency

You might be aware that a tire rotation can help extend the longevity of your tires thanks to more even wear, but did you know that it also helps improve the fuel efficiency of your vehicle? It’s true, and a tire rotation is your quick ticket to better fuel efficiency when done on a proper schedule. How does it all work? Follow along with our Avenue Nissan team as we break down what a tire rotation does, when you should get one, and how to book one at our dealership. 

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What Does a Tire Rotation Do?

A tire rotation, as its name suggests, involves rotating your tires from their current tire position on your vehicle, to a different position. Doing so helps to promote more even wear, so one tire won’t get more worn down than the other. This cuts down on differing patterns of wear, which reduces rolling resistance. This all, along with ensuring proper tire pressure, all adds up to an increase in fuel efficiency, letting you drive longer before stopping off at a gas station.

When Should You Get a Tire Rotation?

A tire rotation should be done about every 10,000 km, or, even with every oil change as an easy way to remember. To the uninitiated, it may seem like a lot of bother for seemingly not much benefit on the surface, but a little attention goes a long way in ensuring the health of your tires for years to come. You don’t want to have to be paying for a new set of tires way sooner than you should, just because of improper care.

Book a Tire Rotation at Avenue Nissan

If this page has got you questioning when the last time you actually had a tire rotation, or you know it’s just about time, our Avenue Nissan service department is here for all of your tire rotation needs. Schedule an appointment with our team through our online booking form!